Well, as if 2025 isn't going to be jam packed enough, on 7th January we were approached by Shirley Ballas and Vito Coppola; they needed a venue to host the Liverpool leg of their national tour, #DanceWithUs !!
What seems like a whirlwind later, this week on Monday (27th) and Wednesday (29th), Topaz became the host of three workshop classes!
Over the sessions, dancers from all over the region came to our Ballroom for lessons in Jive, Salsa and Cha Cha Cha!! We even got a bonus celebrity! Vito has injured his back, and after soldiering through on Monday's sessions, he has had to seek treatment, so the lovely Nikita Kuzmin stepped in to cover for him!
The sessions were full of fun, enjoyment and positivity! We welcomed dancers of all ages, all backgrounds and all experience levels, including one lady who came along for her FIRST EVER dancing class! That is certainly one way to get a taste of the world of dance!
We also had a visit from Granada Reports; they came along to interview Shirley, some of the attendees, and our very own Miss Ann! We are to feature as their good news/light hearted news section, which I am sure we can all agree is desperately needed news these days!!
As we celebrate Miss Ann's 30th Anniversary since establishing herself at Topaz Dancentre, what an amazing way to start off this landmark year!!!